Here are the links for environmental, social and governance (ESG) information.


Theme Policies and Regulations Management Structures Actions and Performances
Environmental Management

・OLC Group Environmental Policy

・Information Disclosure based on TCFD Framework

Environmental Management Structure Environmental Data
Environmental Education

Compliance Code

Internal Environmental Audits Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations
Environmental Supply Chain Reducing Environmental Impact across Supply Chain
Climate Change

・OLC Group Environmental Policy

・Information Disclosure based on TCFD Framework

・Long-term Targets and Targets for 2030 in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction

・Participation in External Initiative

・Environmental Management Structure

・Energy Management System

・Mitigating Climate Change
・Adapting to Climate Change
・CO₂ emissions(Scope1+Scope2):OLC Group
・CO₂ emissions(Scope1+Scope2):Tokyo Disney Resort
・CO₂ emissions(Scope3):OLC Group
・Energy use:Tokyo Disney Resort

・OLC Group Environmental Policy

・Targets for 2030 in Waste Management

Structures to Promote Waste Management

・Resource-saving and Recycling Initiatives

・Packaging giving consideration to the environment

・Waste Reduction Results-OLC Group
・Waste Reduction Results:Tokyo Disney Resort
・Container and Packaging Waste Generated:OLC
Reducing Disposable Plastic

・OLC Group Environmental Policy

・Our Policy on Reducing Use of Disposable Plastic

・Targets for 2030 in Waste Management

Structures to Promote Waste Management Initiatives to Reduce Use of Disposable Plastic
Container and Packaging Waste Generated:OLC

OLC Group Environmental Policy

Structures to Drainage Management System Water Purification and Recycling
・Water Consumption by Intake Source and Discharge Destination:OLC Group
・Water Consumption by Intake Source and Discharge Destination:Tokyo Disney Resort
・COD Emissions:Tokyo Disney Resort

・OLC Group Environmental Policy

・Target for Release/Transfer of PRTR Substances

Chemical Substance Management System Reducing Chemical Emissions
・Yearly Changes in Release/Transfer Volume of PRTR Substances:OLC Group
・Breakdown of Release/Transfer Volume  PRTR Substances:OLC Group
・Breakdown by Application of PRTR Substances:OLC Group
Biodiversity OLC Group Environmental Policy Structures to Conserve Biodiversity  

Related information


Theme Policies and Regulations Management Structures Actions and Performances
Labor Practices  

・Our Approach to Human Resources

・ESG Materiality and Key Goal Indicators  for 2030

Human Resources Initiatives under 2024 Medium-Term Plan

・Employment Categories and Roles of Employees

・Labor-Management Relations 

・Compliance Regarding Labor and Equal Opportunities

Diverse Employees Basic Approach to Create a Workplace for Diverse Employees

・Number of employees
・Number of employees by region of nationality
・Members of the labor union 
・Average age
・Average number of years of service
・Employee turnover
・Average annual salary of nonmanagerial positions
・Average annual salary of management positions

・Gender differences in compensation 
・Average monthly overtime
・Number of new graduates hired as corporate employees
・Number of corporate employees remaining in workforce three years after being hired as new graduates 
・Number of mid-career corporate employees hired
・Percentage of mid-career recruitment employees
・Number of re-employed retirees
・Management positions filled by internal candidates
・Training hours
・Percentage of entitled paid holidays taken
・Number of individuals who took childcare leave and their rate of return

・Proportion of male employees taking paternity leave following the birth of a child
・Number of individuals who took family care leave
・Difference in years of continuous service between male and female
・Percentage of female employees
・Proportion of female managers/executive directors/corporate officers
・Gender pay gap of basic salary and remuneration of management positions
・Percentage of employees with disabilities

・Diversity Education and Training
・Comfortable Workplace Environment
・Measures to Support Diverse Working Arrangements
・Initiatives to Help Employees Balance Work and Childcare
・Employment of People with Disabilities
・Promoting Active Participation of Women in the Workforce
Training and Education Basic Approach to Human Resources Development Training and Development Training Programs
Training hours
Occupational Health and Safety

・Basic Approach to Health&Labor Safety

・Policy to Employees’ Health

・Structure for Promoting Health and Safety 

・Structure for Promoting Healthier Bodies and Minds

・Labor Safety
・Suppliers’ Labor Safety

・Cast Safety

・Initiatives for Promoting Healthier Bodies and Minds

Human Rights Human Rights Policy  

・Human Rights Education

・Stakeholder Engagement relating to Human Rights

Strategy to Respect Human Rights  ・Governance to Respect Human Rights 
・Risk Management
・Human Rights Due Diligence
Indicators and goals for ESG materiality to 2030 Key Human Rights Issues
Installation of Contact Points (Helplines)
Supply Chain Management 

・OLC Group Procurement Policy

・OLC Group Vendors Code of Conduct

・ESG Materiality and Target for 2030

・Sustainable Procurement of Raw Materials

・Structure to Promote Supply Chain Management 

・Voluntary Investigation List (Self-check Sheet)

Collaboration with Suppliers that Manufacture Disney-Brand Products
・International Labor Standards program; ILS program for Disney-Brand Products Suppliers attended to sessions of quality control as well as to learn how the ILS program
Customer Safety Code of Conduct    
Policy on Attraction Safety Management System for Attraction Safety ・Attraction Safety Program
・Safety and Quality Education
Policy on Show and Parade Safety Management System for Show and Parade Safety Show and Parade Safety Training
Product Safety and Quality Policy Management System for Product Safety ・Product Safety Training
・Measures to Ensure Safety in Product Development
Food Safety Philosophy/Policy Management System for Food Safety ・Food Safety Training
・Considerations for Guests with Food Allergies
  Park Safety
Customer Privacy

・Privacy Policy

・Basic Policy on Information Security

Social Contributions The OLC Group Policy on Community Action Programs Promotion structure of community action programs Expenditures Made for Community Programs
Areas of Community Action Programs and Examples of Activities

Related information


Theme Policies and Regulations Management Structures Actions and Performances
Corporate Governance Approach to Corporate Governance Corporate Governance Structure
Attendance status of directors 

・Major Activities of the External Directors and External Corporate Auditors

・Number of the meetings of the Board of Directors

・Number of the meetings of the Board of Corporate Auditors

・Number of the meetings of the Executive Committee

・Number of the meetings of the Nomination / Remuneration Committee

Main Discussion Items at Board of Directors’ Meetings
Expertise and experience (skill matrix)
Proportion of female managers/executive directors/corporate officers
Policy for Determining Compensation Paid to Directors and Corporate Auditors Remuneration Paid to Directors and Corporate Auditor
Tax Policy
Corporate Governance Report
Internal Control

・Compliance Code

・Business Guidelines

Compliance Committee

・Compliance Seminars

・Questionnaire Survey on Compliance

Installation of Contact Points (Helplines)
Risk Management Risk Management Systems  
BCP (Business Continuity Plan) Initiatives   
Information Security Basic Policy on Information Security Information Security Management Systems  
Privacy Policy    
Stakeholder engagement Our Approach to Stakeholder Engagement Management Structure to Promote Initiatives for Each Stakeholder OLC’s IR Activities
・Number of comments/feedback
・Breakdown of feedback by content
・Breakdown of feedback by route
Responsible advertising and marketing OLC Group Compliance Code

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