Policies and Regulations

Our Basic Approach to Human Resources

For the OLC Group, our human resources are the cornerstone of our value creation and one as indispensable as our ongoing investments in facilities that captivate guests. Guest services provided by highly engaged employees who take pride in our business are the main source of our strength, particularly in our Tokyo Disney Resort business.
As an employer of around 20,000 people at Tokyo Disney Resort for about 40 years, we also have a major responsibility to society.
In recognition of the above, we uphold “Employee happiness” as an area of ESG materiality to achieve Our Goal for 2030.
In an effort to ensure that all Group employees feel satisfied with their work and continue to choose us as their employer, we are implementing measures to enhance their “Job Satisfaction”- a sense of joy and accomplishment, and for their “Comfortable and Supportive environment” - workplace and internal system.
In OLC Group’s Human Resources and Organization for 2030, the goal we uphold for our employees is to “take a step forward” and the goal for the Company and managers is to “give a little push.” By creating a relationship between employees and the Company in which they mutually need and elevate each other, we will strive to further enhance our employees’ sense of fulfillment. To this end, we believe the following three key elements are required: development of talented people who are able to proactively engage in creative thinking; unleashing of the potential of diverse individuals; and the creation of a fulfilling workplace environment.
Through these initiatives, we are ultimately aiming to create guest happiness, which is expected to enhance the Group’s value in a virtuous cycle.

ESG Materiality and Key Goal Indicators (KGIs) for 2030

For the ESG Materiality item of “Employee happiness,” the following indicator and goal have been set.

Indicator Goal (KGI for 2030)
Enhance job satisfaction of employees Enhance job satisfaction of employees
Total score of employee engagement survey: 71
[OLC Group-wide]

Human Resources Initiatives under 2024 Medium-Term Plan

In consideration of the impacts of a shrinking labor force due to progressive population aging and the diversification of values around work, we uphold the goal of maximizing our employees’ sense of fulfillment at work and transforming our human resources system into one that is sustainable.
To achieve this goal, it is imperative to enhance guest services by employing unconventional ideas, improve our operations, develop personnel and organizations capable of implementing operational reform, and transform our system so that we can keep providing high added value with a workforce of limited size.
To this end, we will make improvements to our organizational management and review the way our cast members work to maintain alignment with our new Park environment. In addition, to offer a supportive working environment, we will promote healthier bodies and minds, make our facilities more comfortable, and enhance the digital environment.

Outline of initiatives

Outline FY 2022 Progress Status
Organizational management ・Visualize sense of fulfillment at work
・Consider evaluation-based human resources system to foster the type of personnel we need
・Develop systems and a corporate culture conducive to autonomous career development, self-driven personal growth and self-management
・Help a diverse array of talented individuals demonstrate their potential
・Based on employee engagement survey results, managerial staff embarked on measures to enhance engagement in collaboration with non-managerial personnel.
・Managerial members of each department engaged in dialogues to identify their department’s goal in terms of job satisfaction, and formulated action plans to achieve them.
・Selected leaders from each department, provided them with knowledge and skills, and established a system where they collaborate with managerial staff to enhance engagement at their workplace
・Distributed the Diversity & Inclusion Handbook to all Group employees and implemented discussions
・To offer an environment where diverse employees can work comfortably, revised the rules on appearance and made changes to cast member costumes
・Additionally installed private changing spaces available to everyone regardless of gender
Review the way cast members work ・Encourage cast members to fulfill roles assigned to each employment category
・Help enhance a sense of fulfillment at work
・Promote recruitment and job retention
・To engender empathy for our business through our guest services at our Parks and ensure job satisfaction for cast members, promoted a culture conducive to holding dialogues within organizations.
Improved workplace environment to help cast members grow and to ensure we remain their chosen employer, including by establishing support systems to help them enhance their performance
・Specified stage-specific roles in further detail for Theme Park Operation employees.
Introduced structured training programs for acquiring the knowledge and skills required for each role.
To support their autonomous growth, developed career support programs that helped them better understand themselves and plan and achieve their career paths; and established self-development courses that helped them acquire the knowledge they need
Healthier bodies and minds Establish a health-conscious environment to help employees take spontaneous actions to maintain healthy bodies and minds so that they can live and work in good health over long periods of time. [Sense of fulfillment]
・Launched the Healthy Body and Mind Project, a corporate initiative to promote employees’ health. Following the president’s Declaration of Health Promotion, periodically promoted health awareness among employees and provided them with related knowledge
・In view of stress check and health check-up results, promoted employees’ mental health by supporting their self-care as well as the mental health management of subordinates; and promoted their physical health by taking ongoing measures to prevent lifestyle-related diseases, including making efforts to optimize BMI and reduce smoking rate
・Implemented Health Festa for employees in January 2023, which was jointly organized by the health insurance union, mutual aid corporation, the labor union (Federation of Oriental Land Group Friendship Society [OGFS]), and group companies
Comfortable facilities and efficient digital environment Develop a comfortable working environment [Sense of fulfillment]
・Based on the results of employee facility survey, planned and redesigned facilities used by Theme Park Operation employees
・Primarily as part of redesigning the office for employees working around attraction facilities, changed the office layout and expanded the meeting space to facilitate communication between cast members and corporate employees
・Modified the workflow system in step with the progress in IT to improve the workplace environment for increased efficiency

Actions and Performances

Employment Categories and Roles of Employees

OLC employs approximately 20,000 people, each of whom is putting their special skills to use. Around 20% of our workers are corporate employees, contract workers and show performers, with the remaining 80% employed as Theme Park Operation Employees and part-time cast members who work at the frontline welcoming guests.

Employment categories and roles of employees

Employment category Role
Corporate employees Career-track employees Generalist employees who work across a wide range of business areas, including actual Theme Park business, Theme Park support, and general administration.
Theme Park management staff Theme Park department professionals who operate Theme Parks, resolve organizational issues, and engage in human resources development
Specialists Specialists working in specific fields such as technology and food preparation
Theme Park Operation Employees Employees who directly serve guests and engage in frontline operational tasks while performing different jobs within our Theme Parks, as well as support efforts to resolve organizational issues
Contract workers Workers in charge of specialized work in specific departments
Show performers Entertainers who are selected based on auditions to perform in the Theme Parks’ shows and parades
Cast members Employees who serve guests and engage in frontline operational tasks. Their tasks include providing information at the attractions, cleaning the Park, preparing food, serving customers at restaurant facilities, store sales, inventory management, etc.

Labor-Management Relations

At OLC, we follow international standards to respect basic labor rights including the collective bargaining rights.
The management and the labor union, Oriental Land Friendship Society (OFS), build mutual understanding and trust through negotiations in order to collaborate and implement initiatives aimed at creating a better workplace environment.
As of March 2023, there were 20,832 union members, accounting for 99.9% of all employees, including contract workers, cast members, and show performers, who joined in and after FY 2017, and Theme Park Operation Employees, who joined in and after FY 2019.
Under its labor agreement concluded with OFS, Oriental Land employs the union shop system, making it applicable to all categories of employees.
It is stipulated in the labor agreement concluded between OLC and OFS that prior to conducting a personnel transfer of an OFS officer, the Company must discuss the matter with OFS in accordance with the roles assumed by that officer within OFS or notify OFS of the matter. It is also stipulated that upon conducting a personnel transfer of an OFS member, OLC must notify OFS of the matter promptly after the event.
In FY 2018, labor unions were also formed at each our Group company, along with the Federation of Oriental Land Group Friendship Society (OGFS), a federation comprising the labor unions of our Group.

Compliance Regarding Labor and Equal Opportunities

At OLC, we prevent the occurrence of child labor by confirming ages on recruitment to comply with the minimum age of ILO (International Labour Standards). We offer equal opportunities to all, and comply with all laws and regulations on payment, ensuring that it exceeds the minimum wage set for the relevant location.
Hiring, placement, evaluation, and remuneration are decided impartially, based on the competence, experience, and accomplishments of each individual.
We strive to prevent overwork and reduce overtime work hours. Specific measures include educating managerial staff to help them appropriately manage employees’ work hours and gain awareness of different work styles; ensuring that the Human Resources Division and other organizations regularly review the required number of staff members for each function and introduce tools for enhancing operational efficiency; and monitoring the status of overtime work hours.
There were no cases of labor-related compliance violations in FY 2022.