Policies and Regulations

Basic Approach to Occupational Health and Safety

In order to achieve Our Goal for 2030, Oriental Land Co., Ltd. upholds “Employee happiness” as our ESG materiality. We place importance on securing the physical and mental health and safety of our employees as part of our efforts to create a fulfilling workplace environment.

Policy on Employees’ Health

At our Company, employee health is considered to be a part of our human resources assets. Based on this belief, we support each employee’s efforts to promote their own health and create a work environment conducive to such efforts in our hope to further strengthen our systematic foundation for allowing employees to work with peace of mind.

(1) Declaration of Health Promotion
We declare that we will promote each individual’s mental and physical health so that we ourselves can feel wonderful dreams, moving experiences, delight and contentment as well as offering them to our guests.


*By “we,” we mean Oriental Land Co., Ltd., its employees and workplaces. Each component fulfills its respective roles.


(2) Our Roles

Management Structures

Structure for Promoting Health and Safety

At our Company, the Occupational Health and Safety Committee is set up as an organization tasked with improving the workplace environment to ensure that employees can work safely and with peace of mind. Chaired by the director of the Human Resources Division (director of the board and executive officer), who manages all issues concerning health and safety, the Committee formulates and authorizes basic policies and plans relating to occupational health and safety through discussions among its members, including a workers’ representative. The Committee also seeks to monitor, evaluate and improve health and safety activities on an ongoing basis. 
Furthermore, under the Committee, Occupational Health and Safety Subcommittees and expert committees, which are chaired by officers in charge of respective divisions, engage in job-specific health and safety activities.
The Occupational Health and Safety Committee refers important matters to the Executive Committee for discussion.


Structure for Promoting Healthier Bodies and Minds

Actions and Performances

Labor Safety

We are determined to comply with labor-related laws including the Industrial Safety and Health Act and our internal regulations pertaining to health and safety, and make efforts to eliminate work-related incidents by implementing health and safety activities and safety education programs.
In particular, we give top priority to preventing serious work-related accidents by identifying risks at each workplace and collaborating with occupational health consultants to monitor how measures are taken and make improvements as needed.

Major health and safety activities



Message concerning health and safety delivered by President

  • Raise awareness of safety issues

Health and safety activities

  • Rigorously enforce the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle through line management
  • Conduct workplace inspection to prevent serious accidents (Occupational-health physicians, sanitation managers, occupational health consultants)
  • Assess risks and take measures by utilizing risk assessment methodologies
  • Execute job-specific risk prediction training
  • Make use of maps that visualize the risk of occupational accidents at each workplace
  • Specify steps to formulate measures to prevent recurrence of work-related incidents in consideration of investigation results and identified causes
  • Efforts that have yielded positive results and lessons learned from work-related incidents are shared across the company to be applied in other organizations
  • Show safety education videos using TV monitors placed at the employee cafeteria and other facilities

Safety education

  • Safety education for new employees upon joining the company
  • On-the-job training at each respective organization
  • Job-specific safety education programs at each respective organization

Suppliers’ Labor Safety

Our company considers it important for suppliers to give consideration to occupational health and safety. We have therefore set forth the OLC Group Vendors Code of Conduct, and make a point of asking our suppliers to offer an environment where the health and safety of their workers are valued.

Cast Safety

Approach to Cast Safety

Tokyo Disney Resort

To provide our guests with happiness, we must focus on the safety of our cast members. At the Tokyo Disney Resort, we place great importance on the safety of our cast members in addition to guest safety.

Cast Safety

To secure safety for cast members, we execute a wide range of health and safety activities and safety education programs including regular workplace visits by occupational health physicians and sanitation managers and rigorous enforcement of the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle through line management.
Efforts that have yielded positive results and lessons learned from work-related incidents are shared across the company to be applied in other organizations. Other measures are also taken to identify and address risks related to equipment or operational procedures that may lead to worker injury.

Major examples

Structural initiatives

  • Automatic personal lifebuoy that activates upon detecting water
  • Cast members working on DisneySea Transit Steamer Line and others who work in the proximity of water wear the lifebuoy to secure their safety.
  • Additional installation of water ladders
  • We have installed additional water ladders for cast members working in water areas in case they fall overboard.

Non-structural initiatives

  • Ensure that fluids and salts are replenished
  • Educate employees and raise their awareness of the risk of heatstroke
Automatic personal lifebuoy to be activated when detecting water
Automatic personal lifebuoy to be activated when detecting water
Water ladder is available in case of falling overboard
Water ladder is available in case of falling overboard

Initiatives for Promoting Healthier Bodies and Minds

At our Group, we create a work environment that encourages employees to make efforts to maintain and promote healthier bodies and minds so that they can live and work in good health over long periods of time. This initiative is jointly organized by the health insurance union, the mutual aid corporation and our labor union, the Federation of Oriental Land Group Friendship Society (OGFS). 
At our Healthcare Center, occupational-health physicians and public health nurses are on duty at all times to provide health consultation services. For regular employees, the Center also conducts physical and mental health check-ups to monitor employees’ health and take actions.
Furthermore, to increase the rate of employees taking the physical and mental health check-ups, the Center engages in promotional measures by setting goals and evaluating the progress.

Major Initiatives



Monitoring employees’ health

  • Periodical physical exams for 99.9% of regular employees

Ensuring early detection and preventing aggravation

  • Health exams and follow-up care
  • One-on-one guidance by occupational-health physicians
  • Health guidance by public health nurses

Raising health awareness

  • Declaration of Health Promotion issued by Representative Director and President and COO
  • Solicitation of ideas for Declaration of Employee Health Promotion
  • Introduction of health management support app by health insurance union
  • Providing health-related information
  • Introduction of healthy menu items at employee cafeterias
  • Health-related events
  • Measures against smoking
  • Benefit allowance for sports and other facilities 

Promoting mental health

  • Stress tests (Test taker rate: 88.4%)
  • Organizational assessment feedback based on stress test results and improvement of workplace environment
  • Manager training on mental health management of subordinates
  • One-on-one meetings arranged with occupational-health physicians / public health nurses for highly stressed workers
  • Health consultation by medical staff
  • In-house mental health consultation service
  • Arrangement of counseling by outside counselors
Occupational-health physicians and public health
nurses are on duty at all times at the Healthcare Center
Occupational-health physicians and public health
nurses are on duty at all times at the Healthcare Center