Policies and Regulations

Basic Approach to Create a Workplace for Diverse Employees

Upholding “Employee happiness” as an area of ESG materiality, the OLC Group focuses on creating a workplace where each and every individual can demonstrate their maximum potential.
When employees with a variety of strengths, traits and values respect and raise each other, they can all work with a sense of fulfillment. We will also aim to engender passion for work and a sense of security and trust toward the company and colleagues.
To help employees lead fulfilling private lives while unleashing their potential at work, we are making efforts to create systems and corporate culture conducive to work-life balance.
To empower diverse employees to demonstrate their potential, it is essential that human rights are respected as a basic tenet of our corporate culture. The OLC Group Human Rights Policy Statement sets forth the following: “The OLC Group strives to provide inclusive workplaces where the human rights, identities and differences of people from all backgrounds are respected. We do not tolerate harassment or discrimination in any form, including on the grounds of a person’s sex, age, race, nationality, language, culture, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and gender identity. We support every employee so that they can realize their full, unique potential.” In compliance with this statement, we respect the human rights of the people we work with, including employees.

Actions and Performances

Diversity Education and Training

To enable employees to gain a deeper understanding of diversity, we ensure that our related policies and beliefs are widely shared through announcements of diversity promotion initiatives. In addition, we seek to educate our employees by sharing information about diversity through in-house newsletters and the intranet.
The Normalization Creator Class for Park operation employees, for example, offers programs, including skills training, that teach understanding and acceptance of diversity among guests and cast members alike through dialogues based on case studies using examples of initiatives designed to support diversity at our Theme Parks.
In January 2023, we also started distributing to employees the Diversity & Inclusion Handbook, which summarizes our approach to diversity, along with examples, offering basic policies to be followed when interacting with other employees and guests. We also encouraged dialogues to help employees to better understand diversity. In addition, we handed out materials offering key pointers for those who need to provide advice to their subordinates on how to resolve diversity-related issues.

Comfortable Workplace Environment

At Oriental Land Co., Ltd., we are implementing measures to make the workplace environment more comfortable for our employees.
On April 1, 2023, for example, we revised the Disney Look, which stipulates the appearance of cast members.
As a result of the revision, gender-specific names of items were eliminated and replaced with genderless styles, and some rules were also eased. The rules on hairstyles and makeup were unified for all cast members regardless of gender, and the rules on hair color and hairstyles were eased within the scope of the preset appearance requirements for cast members.
For some costumes, we are introducing unisex versions in phases, allowing cast members to wear their costume of choice instead of designating costumes by gender. At both Parks, there are all kinds of costumes tailored to the theme of the respective Parks and areas, with focus placed on the functionality required for the tasks performed in them. While maintaining such features, the new costumes will be made available in phases to allow all cast members to make their own choice.
We have also created genderless private changing spaces as part of our facility remodeling efforts to help make the workplace more comfortable for employees.

Measures to Support Diverse Working Arrangements

At OLC, as part of our initiatives to help employees maintain their work-life balance, we have systems that allow a leave of absence to provide childcare, a vacation to care for sick children, a leave of absence or vacation to provide family care, paid leave in half-day increments, and paid sick leave (also available for family care; up to 60 days of annual paid leave can be accumulated for allocation to this leave).
Corporate employees use the flexible working hours system and the remote working system in a way suitable for each job, and avail themselves of paid leave in hourly increments.
For Theme Park Operation Employees who sustain our Theme Park operations, certain systems for corporate employees are offered to them. For cast members who also sustain our Theme Park operations, short work shifts are made available to help stay-at-home parents and students balance work and family responsibilities or studies. For cast members looking to take on longer shifts, we have in place a smartphone-based system, through which they can apply to fill available shift slots to achieve a more flexible workstyle.
At our company, we strive to prevent overwork and reduce overtime working hours by helping managers gain awareness of labor time management, regularly reviewing the number of staffs required for each position, installing tools for enhancing efficiency, and monitoring the status of overtime working hours.
In FY 2022, the average monthly overtime hours of corporate employees and Theme Park Operation Employees at OLC amounted to 12 hours and 16 minutes.

Number of individuals who took childcare leave and their rate of return

Corporate employees at Oriental Land Co., Ltd.

FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total 128 159 221 270
Male 20 28 52 73
Female 108 131 169 197
Rate of return 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Contract workers, show performers, cast members, and others at Oriental Land Co., Ltd.

FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total 346 220 400 387
Female 335 217 390 379
Male 11 3 10 8
Rate of return 95.4% 99.6% 94.3% 96.1%

* Rate of Return = (Number of individuals who took a leave of absence to provide childcare during the term – Number of individuals who subsequently resigned) / Number of individuals who took a leave of absence to provide childcare during the term

Number of individuals who took family care leave

Corporate employees at Oriental Land Co., Ltd.

FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
3 4 10 16

Contract workers, show performers, cast members, and others at Oriental Land Co., Ltd.

FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
12 13 16 27


Furthermore, as benefits for corporate employees and contract workers, our Company has in place an optional asset-building support system. This system offers our corporate employees and contract workers an opportunity to build assets in preparation for a secure post-retirement life after 60 years old by enrolling in a bonus-based defined contribution pension plan.
Having these programs in place alone is not enough if employees are to achieve a healthy work-life balance. We must also nurture a culture that encourages employees to use them. At our Company, we employ various methods so that employees are aware of the childcare and family care support programs that are available to them. We will continue to work toward creating a culture that enables each and every employee to enjoy a better work-life balance.

Initiatives to Help Employees Balance Work and Childcare

At our company, we adopt a wide range of systems designed to help employees keep working while fulfilling childcare responsibilities. We have in place a consultation service where they can seek advice tailored to their specific needs.
For expecting and new mothers and their spouses, we offer maternity leave and spousal maternity leave (up to two days of paid leave).
We also have introduced various programs for employees returning to work after taking childcare leave: childcare hours, reduced working hours for childcare, exemptions from working extra hours, late-night and holiday shifts, as well as time off to care for sick children. In addition, we offer a comfortable lactation room for breastfeeding female employees.
In support of employees returning to work, we have introduced in FY 2022 a mid-career return program in which shift employees can set shorter working hours. For employees with a working spouse, childcare subsidies are available for hiring baby sitters.
Furthermore, to support employees and Theme Park Operation Employees returning to work, we opened Kids’ Village Arbre, a company-financed childcare facility within our premises, which offers full-time as well as short-term childcare services. Such measures help them plan their careers from a medium- and long-term perspective and achieve growth by making maximum use of their time.


Examples of Opportunities to Share Information



Work-life balance information website

The website offers a guidebook on work-life balance and application forms for various programs.

Briefing on childcare leave 

Employees scheduled to take childcare leave are provided with information on how to prepare for and what to do during leave and support programs available upon returning to work, as well as company information while they are on leave.

Return-to-work seminar (held regularly)

For employees on childcare leave, held once a year; in around February to March. Provides participants with information on the range of support offered by the company after their return to work, as well as an opportunity to think about their own career-building to help them feel confident about returning to work.

Awareness program for officers/managers (held irregularly)

Provides an opportunity to think what needs to be valued in managing an organization comprised of diverse members.

  • Seminar for enhancing employees’ job satisfaction 
  • Seminar for employees engaged in childcare/long-term family care

Employment of People with Disabilities

At OLC, we actively employ individuals with disabilities, primarily at our special subsidiary Maihama Corporation Co., Ltd. Employees with disabilities represent 2.55% of our workforce (as of June 1, 2023), which is greater than the legally prescribed employment rate of 2.3%. We will continue with our efforts to maintain the level.At Maihama Corporation, employees are engaged in various jobs that accord with their attributes. We are also actively developing and expanding the range of jobs for our disabled employees within the OLC Group.
For example, our operational departments and Maihama Corporation are working together to assign Theme Park on-stage jobs to cast members with a disability on a trial basis. This means they will likely engage in guest services, as opposed to the backstage tasks that they have traditionally often assumed. We will continue to establish systems that both encourage hard work and provide the members of our diversely talented workforce with a sense of fulfillment.
Furthermore, we focus on the normalization principle at Maihama Corporation, developing facilities and support programs that accommodate the needs of employees with disabilities in order to create a fulfilling work environment for everyone.

*2015: Received the Prize Awarded for Effort (Excellent Disability Employment) from the President of Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers (JEED)
2019: Received the Honorable Mention Award for Disability Employment Workplace Improvement from the President of JEED

Percentage of employees with disabilities (Group applied)

As of June 2020 As of June 2021 As of June 2022 As of June 2023
2.47% 2.71% 2.73% 2.55%

*The percentage of employees with disabilities in our Group is 2.51% as of June 2023.

Jobs at Maihama Corporation


Primary duties

Mail services

Affixing of commemorative stamps on outgoing mail deposited at the Theme Parks; collection and sorting of our Group companies’ internal and external mail; sending external mail

Linen service

Folding of linens used at Theme Parks restaurants

Price tags on Products

Preparation and affixing of price tags on products sold at the Theme Parks


Cleaning and ironing of costumes, etc., used at the Theme Parks

Lost and Found Center

Handling of lost and found items at the Theme Parks

3D glasses cleaning

Cleaning of 3D glasses used at the Theme Parks

Central Kitchen support

Dishwashing duties, etc., at the Central Kitchen


Cultivation of flowers for Theme Parks

Maintenance logistics support

Subdividing, counting, shipping, and inventory operation of Theme Park maintenance components; replacement of drawing sheets


Massage service (for employees)

Office Data Support Service

Creating name cards, Entering Data, Importing Data

Caring for flower seedlings
Caring for flower seedlings

Promoting Active Participation of Women in the Workforce

At our Company, we have been working to create an environment where our employees can focus on their work without worry. Accordingly, our corporate culture makes it possible for numerous female employees to work on an equal footing with men.
At present, the difference in the number of years of continuous service between male and female corporate employees is 4.8. Women account for 54.4% of corporate employees, and 78.0% of cast members and other workers (as of the end of March 2023).
We will continue working to make our workplaces better suited for female employees to fulfill their potential, ensuring that women can make use of their skills on an equal footing with their male colleagues.
We are upholding a target to increase the percentage of female managers to over 25% in FY 2025. To this end, we are holding study groups for female managerial candidates and organizing programs to support employees engaged in childcare/family care to prevent them from interrupting their careers.

Difference in years of continuous service between male and female (corporate employees at Oriental Land Co., Ltd.)

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Male 12.4 years 12.8 years 13.4 years
Female 7.6 years 7.8 years 8.6 years
Difference 4.8 years 5.0 years 4.8 years

Percentage of female employees (Oriental Land Co., Ltd.)

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Employees Male 2,520 2,486 2,379
Female 2,852 2,923 2,834
Female Ratio 53.1% 54.0% 54.4%
Other workers Male 3,632 2,939 3,776
Female 12,730 11,028 13,369
Female Ratio 77.8% 79.0% 78.0%

Percentage of female employees (on a consolidated basis)

FY2021 FY2022
Male 8,185 8,928
Female 17,798 20,050
Female Ratio 68.5% 69.2%

Proportion of female managers/executive directors/corporate officers (Oriental Land Co., Ltd.)

FY 2020
(As of March 31, 2021)
FY 2021
(As of March 31, 2022)
FY 2022
(As of March 31, 2023)
Female managers 35 out of 199
34 out of 194
36 out of 199
Female executive
2 out of 10
2 out of 10
3 out of 11
Female corporate
3 out of 21
3 out of 20
3 out of 19