ESG Materiality

The OLC Group has selected eight areas of ESG materiality for capturing growth opportunities and eliminating risks with the aim of carrying out sustainability management that contributes to achieving a sustainable society and long-term sustainable growth, and made a resolution accordingly at the Board of Directors meeting in March 2022. The ESG materiality items have been selected by conducting mapping from the perspectives of society/stakeholders and impact on the Company, based on the principle of double materiality. For each area of ESG materiality, goals and indicators for assessing the progress status have been set in the form of KGIs for 2030, KPIs for FY 2026, and KPIs under the 2024 Medium-term Plan. The progress status is reported to the Board of Directors and Executive Committee at least once a year.
“Employee happiness” and “Happiness of children” will be promoted as materiality unique to our group.

Society (S)


Contribution to SDGs

Employee happiness



・Continuous employment of competent people

・Strengthened capacity to respond to changes and business opportunities


・Shortage of human resources / surging personnel expenses

・Outflow of human resources


To remain as the workplace that is chosen by people,

implement measures to help them feel a sense of joy and accomplishment (job satisfaction)

and establish a comfortable and

supportive workplace environment and

internal systems.


(KGIs for 2030)

Enhance job satisfaction of employees

Total score of employee engagement survey: 71

[OLC Group-wide]

2024 Medium-term Plan

FY 2026


Expand initiatives aimed at enhancing employees’job satisfaction

Total score of employee engagement survey:

Higher percentage of positive

responses than in FY 2024

Progress of Initiatives to Achieve the KPIs

[Development of creative human resources]

・Implemented engagement survey for all employment categories

・Expanded initiatives intended to enhance engagement, including hosting KATARIBA opportunities for dialogue between the president and employees

[Supporting diverse talent]

・Expanded measures specific to each employment category to help individuals balance work and childcare

・Partially revised the “Disney Look,” which stipulates the appearance of cast members

・Expanded benefits for employees with a same-sex or common-law spouse

[Creating an environment conducive to job satisfaction]

・Helped create autonomous growth opportunities by providing learning support for self-development and allowing employees to hold concurrent internal positions

・Fostered career-mindedness among Theme Park Operation employees through career development training

・Renovated employee cafeterias and backstage offices

・Strengthened awareness regarding healthy body and mind

・Raised basic salaries and hourly wages

Happiness of children



・Resolving social issues pertaining to children, who are important in our business activities


・Exacerbated social issues surrounding children

To achieve a thriving society by nurturing the dreams and minds of children, who are our future, implement measures that resonate with children, engender their trust, and resolve social issues pertaining to children, through the Tokyo Disney Resort business.


(KGIs for 2030)

[Tokyo Disney Resort]

Implement activities aimed at enriching the daily lives and minds of children

[Social contribution activities]

Implement activities to foster the development of children, who are our future

2024 Medium-term Plan

FY 2026


Expand activities to support and enrich the minds of children

Progress of Initiatives to Achieve the KPIs

[Tokyo Disney Resort]

・Surveyed the positive impact of Theme Park experience on children

・Implemented activities to support children

 ・Implemented Smiles for Tomorrow, a program in which donations are made in an amount commensurate with the number of guests using an applicable facility or with purchases of an applicable product at Theme Parks

[The OLC Group’s social contribution activities]

・Expanded activities to support children

 ・Donated merchandise sold at the Parks to orphanages in Chiba Prefecture, with employees visiting some facilities in person

* Plan to Establish” Oriental Land Happiness of Children Foundation”in July 2024

Diversity & inclusion



・Increased experience value by adapting changes in society and customer needs


・Declined experience value due to insufficient diversity measures

・Heightened social concerns over human rights


To address changes in society and customer needs and conduct business activities in which diverse customer values are respected, implement structured measures to ensure that human rights are respected, review existing products and services, and build systems to give due consideration to diversity, among others.


(KGIs for 2030)

・Build and implement a human rights due diligence process for designated key human rights issues

・Build systems for implementing business activities in which diversity is respected

2024 Medium-term Plan

FY 2026


・Implement a gap analysis on 11 key human rights issues in three fields—employees, supply chain, and customers—and identified areas in which initiatives for vulnerable rightsholders are insufficient

・Establish an internal structure for promoting human rights initiatives sustainably

・Proportion of employees to whom the Guidelines on Diversity was handed out: 100%

・Implement a gap analysis on existing facilities/services and formulate and execute countermeasures

・The scope and proportion of key

human rights issues for which

human rights due diligence is


・Proportion of employees to whom the

Guidelines on Diversity was handed out

・Proportion of employees for whom training on the Guidelines on Diversity was provided

Progress of Initiatives to Achieve the KPI

[Human rights]

・Revised the OLC Group Human Rights Policy Statement

・Implemented a session involving sexual minority employees, and human rights seminars

・Implemented human rights due diligence sessions involving experts and employees

・Evaluated the effectiveness of contact points (helplines for employees, customers, and suppliers)


・Distributed the Diversity & Inclusion Handbook to all Group employees and implemented dialogues

・Offered expanded opportunities for guests with a disability to enjoy certain attractions

 ・Hosted an internal exposition on disabilities

 ・Organized internal case study sessions

Supply chain management



・Expanding competitive advantages by giving due consideration to the environment and society across the entire supply chain


・Heightened social concern over the entire supply chain


Formulating a policy to achieve sustainable procurement in collaboration with



(KGIs for 2030)

・Ensure that all 1st-tier suppliers are informed of and consent to our Procurement Policy and the OLC Group Vendors Code of Conduct

・Ensure sustainable raw material procurement for all internally identified items

2024 Medium-term Plan

FY 2026


Ensure 100% engagement with key suppliers

Develop a Procurement Policy and incorporate it into the Vendors Code of Conduct


Ensure that suppliers are informed of our policy on paper procurement and carry out ongoing investigations of major suppliers

Set KPI for FY 2026 by FY 2024

Palm oil

Switch popcorn oil to sustainable palm oil at Theme Park restaurants

Conflict minerals

Establish a policy concerning conflict minerals including how to monitor suppliers


Formulate specifications for timber used in environmentally friendly design


Establish a policy for procuring textiles with low environmental impact


Consider partially switching to sustainable seafood

Progress of Initiatives to Achieve the KPI

・Formulated the OLC Group Procurement Policy
・Set individual targets and established directions of initiatives for some raw materials
・Decided to revise the OLC Group Vendors Code of Conduct and Voluntary Investigation List (renamed the Self-Assessment Sheet) in April 2024
・Ensured key supplier engagement regarding the revised Vendors Code of Conduct and Self-Assessment Sheet

Environment (E)


Contribution to SDGs

Measures to address climate change and natural disasters



・Generating new experience value by adapting to climate change


・Increased number of abnormal climate and natural disaster events that give growing impact on business


Produce and procure renewable energy, take energy-saving actions, install environmentally friendly design, etc. to reduce the risk of climate change and adapt to climate change with enhanced resilience to increase the sustainability of business.


(KGIs for 2030)

Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions – Scope 1 and 2: 51% reduction from the FY 2013 level

→ Achieve net zero emissions of greenhouse gases by FY 2050


2024 Medium-term Plan

FY 2026

Procurement of renewable energy

CO₂ emissions reduction:

78,000 t-CO₂

CO₂ emissions reduction:

198,000 t-CO₂

Energy-saving activities

Remodel internal system (visualization system)

Implement across the entire Group by utilizing internal systems

Installation of environmentally friendly design

Formulate proprietary guidelines

Execution based on proprietary guidelines

Production of renewable energy

Consider and install solar power generation equipment

Consider and install solar power generation equipment

Investing in and remodeling vehicles, machinery, and facilities

Consider and install environmentally friendly items

Consider and install environmentally friendly items

Scope 3

Set target for next Medium-term Plan

Set target during the Medium-term Plan period

Strengthening resilience

Start information disclosure in accordance with the framework of TCFD

Consider measures based on TCFD framework

Progress of Initiatives to Achieve the KPIs

・Revised the OLC Group Environmental Policy

・Endorsed TCFD and commenced scenario analysis

・Procured renewable energy and installed more solar panels within our premises

・Converted some vehicles in operation at Theme Parks to electric vehicles

・Promoted efforts to save energy by using energy management system

Recycling-oriented society



・Creating new demand by providing new products and services with environmental value


・Depletion and rising cost of natural resources


Implement measures such as to save resources and reduce waste pertaining to products and services and promote the sustainable use of resources to contribute to the development of a recycling-oriented society.


(KGIs for 2030)

・Waste reduction target [weight]: 10% reduction from the FY 2016 level

・Percentage recycled [actual result]: 80%


2024 Medium-term Plan

FY 2026

Food loss

[vs. FY 2019]

Total (weight)

22.5% reduction

Total (weight)

45% reduction

Single-use plastic

[vs. FY 2018]

Total (weight)

10.5% reduction

Total (weight)

21% reduction

Adoption of resource-saving

products/services and saving


[vs. FY 2018]

Total (weight)

4.4% reduction

Total (weight)

8.8% reduction

Effective use of

water resources

Target to be set for next Medium-term Plan

Target to be set for next Medium-term Plan

Contribution to forming

symbiotic relationships

with nature

Target to be set for next Medium-term Plan

Target to be set for next Medium-term Plan

Progress of Initiatives to Achieve the KPIs

  • ・Revised the OLC Group Environmental Policy
  • ・Promoted measures to reduce food loss, including arranging the introduction of food waste disposal machines
  • ・Replaced plastic cutlery in phases at our Theme Park restaurants with cutlery designed to meet the reduction target set under the Plastic Resource Circulation Act
  • ・Promoted measures to adopt resource-saving products/services and save resources, including reducing the use of cardboard boxes
  • ・Launched 11 products made with recycled cast member costumes at our Theme Parks

Governance (G)

Stakeholder engagement



・Strengthened capacity to address changes in social conditions


・Decreased capacity to address new changes in needs and potential risks


To evolve business activities and contribute to achieving a sustainable society, implement measures to attribute importance to appropriate and open information disclosure to stakeholders and dialogues with them


(KGIs for 2030)

Ensure appropriate and open information disclosure to stakeholders and place value on interactive communication with them to evolve business activities and engage in activities that contribute to achieving a sustainable society.

2024 Medium-term Plan

FY 2026


Established internal structures to promote initiatives for stakeholders and steadily put them into practice

Set KPI for FY 2026 by FY 2024

Progress of Initiatives to Achieve the KPIs

  • ・Classified the stakeholders whose interests should, as a matter of importance, be reflected in management as a means of organizing external stakeholder engagement in companies, and newly selected “children” as one of our stakeholders
  • ・Established a system for reporting our measures for respective stakeholders to top management team
  • ・Steadily executed activities involving respective stakeholders

Fairness in corporate management



・Decreased growth opportunities and social trust due to lack of appropriate decision-making function


Ensure that all laws and regulations and the Corporate Governance Code are complied with, and establish management systems that allow flexible responses to changes and facilitate growth.


(KGIs for 2030)

Ensure that all laws and regulations and the Corporate Governance Code are complied with, and the management systems in place allow flexible response to changes and facilitate growth.

2024 Medium-term Plan

FY 2026


・External directors’ rate of attendance at Board of Directors meetings: 100%

・Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors: Ensure appropriate evaluation and make improvements

・Corporate Governance Code: Fully complied with

・External directors’ rate of attendance at Board of Directors meetings: More than 80%

・Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors: Ensure appropriate evaluation and make improvements

・Corporate Governance Code: Fully complied with

Progress of Initiatives to Achieve the KPIs

Achieved KPIs for FY2024. Implemented measures for each item on an ongoing basis

・External executive directors’ rate of attendance at FY2022 Board of Directors meetings: More than 80%

・Increased the number of independent outside directors by one

・Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors: Revised the content and number of questions in response to advice provided by an external organization, and executed the evaluation

・Resolved to introduce performance-linked compensation

・Corporate Governance Code: Fully complied with

Materiality identification process

We discussed and set our materiality following the process below.

* GRI Standards, ISO 26000, SASB, etc.