Our Approach to Sustainability

Oriental Land Co., Ltd. was established in 1960 with the purpose of contributing to the cultural life of the nation and the welfare of Japanese citizens. Following this, efforts to attract the American Disneyland to Japan began, and in 1979, a license agreement was signed with Walt Disney Productions (as it was known at that time). Tokyo Disneyland then opened in 1983.
We have continued to spread happiness that cannot be found anywhere else throughout the community.


During this drastically changing world caused by climate change, the declining birthrate and aging population, etc., the OLC Group will work to continue providing values to society and to evolve as a company for the next 50 to 100 years. To this end, we have decided to aim for sustainable management that incorporates responses to global environmental problems and social issues into our operations and business strategy.
The OLC Group defines sustainable management as the realization of both “contribution to a sustainable society” and “maintaining of long-term corporate growth.” In particular, the commitment includes evolving our existing business operations to offer options that more closely cater to guest needs, improving our capacity to address fluctuations in demand to enhance the added value of the Tokyo Disney Resort. In addition, it also includes taking on the challenge of establishing new businesses that help us resolve issues and enhance values in our core business, as well as provide us with growth opportunities. Furthermore, we intend to contribute to social issues, such as working towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
To sustainably create “Happiness,” which is a value offered by our Group, to contribute to achieving a sustainable society and long-term sustainable growth, we have formulated “Our Goal for 2030” and our medium- and long-term initiative policy for fulfilling the Goal.

Our Goal for 2030 and Medium- and Long-term Initiative Policy

  • Our Goal for 2030: Bringing more “Happiness” to you and the community
    We will aim to be a corporation that continues to create “Happiness,” not only for the Group’s stakeholders but also for the broader community.

  • Continue to create “Happiness” not only inside the Resort including the Theme Parks, but also for many people in the broader community.
  • Continue to be a corporation desired by society by fulfilling our role in the efforts made toward achieving a sustainable society.
  • Continue to be a corporation in which employees can truly take pride.


  • Medium- and long-term initiative policy
    To achieve Our Goal for 2030, the OLC Group intends to promote sustainable business development and measures for eight environmental, social, and governance (ESG) materiality, through which it will contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


  1. Sustainable business development
    ①  Existing businesses
    The OLC Group will seek higher added value for Tokyo Disney Resort by addressing diversifying guest needs and fluctuations in demand.

    ②  New businesses
    The OLC Group will engage in businesses that help resolve issues faced in existing businesses and increase their value, possibly obtaining new earning opportunities.


  1. ESG materiality
    The OLC Group has selected eight ESG materiality for capturing growth opportunities and eliminating risks with the aim of contributing to achieving a sustainable society and long-term sustainable growth. “Employee happiness” and “Happiness of children” will be promoted as areas of materiality unique to the OLC Group.

ESG Materiality


Direction of initiatives

Contributions to SDGs


Employee happiness

To remain as the workplace that is chosen by people, implement measures to help them feel a sense of joy and accomplishment (job satisfaction) and establish a comfortable and

supportive workplace environment and internal systems.

Happiness of children

To achieve a thriving society by nurturing the dreams and minds of children, who are our future, implement measures that resonate with children, engender their trust,

and resolve social issues pertaining to children, through the Tokyo Disney Resort business.

Diversity & inclusion

To address changes in society and customer needs and conduct business activities in which diverse customer values are respected, implement structured measures to ensure that human

rights are respected, review existing products and services, and build systems to give due consideration to diversity, among others.

Supply chain management

Formulating a policy to achieve sustainable procurement in collaboration with our suppliers.


Measures to address climate change and natural disasters

Produce and procure renewable energy, take energy-saving actions, install environmentally friendly design, etc. to reduce the risk of climate change and adapt to climate change with enhanced resilience to increase the sustainability of our business.

Recycling-oriented society

Implement measures such as to save resources and reduce waste pertaining to products and services and promote the sustainable use of resources to contribute to the development of a recycling-oriented society.


Stakeholder engagement

To evolve business activities and contribute to achieving a sustainable society, implement measures to attribute importance to appropriate and open information disclosure to stakeholders and dialogues with them.


Fairness in corporate management

Ensure that all laws, regulations and the Corporate Governance Code are complied with, and establish management systems that allow flexible responses to change and facilitate growth.

Sustainability Governance

At the Board of Directors meeting in March 2022, the OLC Group resolved Our Goals for 2030 and the medium- and long-term initiative policy, including eight areas of ESG materiality selected to capture opportunities and reduce risks, with an eye to achieving sustainability management.
ESG materiality and other sustainability matters are first discussed at the Environmental Action Committee, Corporate Conduct Committee and other committees as well as business execution organizations. The Sustainability Promotion Committee chaired by the Representative Director, Chief Operating Officer and President then gives more in-depth consideration to the order of priority and resource allocation pertaining to related initiatives, and proposes matters for discussion at the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors receives a report on the matters that have been discussed and resolved at the Executive Committee at least once a year, and discusses and oversees key issues concerning sustainability. The Company’s President chairs the Sustainability Promotion Committee, assuming the responsibility of making management decisions on sustainability.
For each ESG area of materiality, we have set KGIs for 2030, KPIs for 2026 and KPIs under the 2024 Medium-term Plan as goals and indicators for assessing our progress. The progress status is reported to the Board of Directors and Executive Committee at least once a year.


Major sustainability-related matters pertaining to ESG materiality that were proposed to the Board of Directors in fiscal 2022
Details of information disclosed in accordance with the TCFD framework

  • Revision of the OLC Group Environmental Policy
  • Establishment of the OLC Group Procurement Policy
  • FY 2021 activities of the Environmental Action Committee


Sustainability Promotion Structure

Sustainability Risk Management

To address our risks, we establish and operate risk management cycles where measures are taken to prevent and address individual risks based on the OLC Group Risk Management Guidelines. At the Risk Management Committee chaired by the Company’s President, we identify and assess all risks concerning our business activities, and specify strategic risks and operational risks.
With regard to strategic risks that include sustainability risks, the respective organizations in charge formulate and execute measures to prevent and address them. The Corporate Strategy Planning Department, which oversees strategic risks, monitors their progress. In view of the outcomes, the Corporate Strategy Planning Department reports the risk management status to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors on an annual basis, and incorporates it into the Group’s strategy under the supervision of the Board of Directors.


We have identified risks concerning human rights, diversity, climate change and the recycling-oriented society as sustainability risks. The organizations in charge of managing the respective risks formulate action plans as part of their measures to address strategic risks.

Risk management structure

Strategies, indicators and goals for sustainability

In our efforts to promote sustainability management at our Group, we have identified eight areas of ESG materiality to work on as our priority by 2030. For each area of ESG materiality, we have identified related risks and opportunities; formulated strategies, indicators and goals; and are monitoring the status of progress of each item under the above sustainability governance framework.


Sustainability Education

We conduct a variety of activities aimed at helping each and every employee to better understand what sustainability and ESG are and to take concrete actions through their operations.
In FY 2022, we distributed commentary videos on Our Goals for 2030 and ESG materiality to our corporate employees and Theme Park Operation employees as part of our activities to raise their awareness around sustainability management. In addition, we make efforts to provide easy-to-understand explanations to all employees on topics related to the environment and diversity through internal newsletters and other media. Furthermore, we organized an Environmental EXPO, where large panels and exhibits were displayed to showcase our environmental activities with the aim of promoting recognition of our Group’s environmental activities and raise awareness.