Core Philosophy

The OLC Group is committed to bringing happiness into the world through experiences found nowhere else. This is expressed in our corporate mission to “create happiness and contentment by offering wonderful dreams and moving experiences created with original, imaginative ideas.”
The creative source of this happiness is people. The OLC Group’s business relies on a great number of people who work with and for us. Only by respecting the human rights of all who work alongside us can we continue to deliver on our promise of happy experiences. 


Human rights are fundamental to our business. We are committed to respecting the human rights and protecting the dignity of all people our business touches.

Our associates

The OLC Group strives to provide inclusive workplaces where the human rights, identities and differences of people from all backgrounds are respected. We do not tolerate harassment or discrimination in any form, including on the grounds of a person’s sex, age, race, nationality, language, culture, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and gender identity. We support every employee so that they can realize their full, unique potential.

Our supply chain

The OLC Group is committed to respecting the human rights of all people connected to our supply chain. We require all direct suppliers to prevent human rights violations in their operations, and we strive to ensure that the human rights of all workers and others impacted by our supply chain are respected.

Our customers

The OLC Group works to create a safe, respectful and comfortable environment for all guests. We act with safety as our top priority, value diversity and inclusion and seek to spread happiness to our customers and the society.

Upholding International Principles on Human Rights

The OLC Group supports the International Bill of Human Rights, which consists of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights. We also support the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, which consist of the freedom of association and the right of collective bargaining, the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor, the effective abolition of child labor, and elimination of discrimination at work. 

This human rights policy and our efforts to respect and promote human rights are also based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, UNICEF’s Children’s Rights and Business Principles, and other international principles and standards.

Compliance with Applicable Laws

The OLC Group complies with all applicable laws in the countries and regions where we operate our business. 

When national or local laws conflict with internationally recognized human rights, we seek ways to respect international human rights.

Scope of this Policy

This policy applies to all directors and employees of the OLC Group.

In addition, we inform suppliers on the OLC Group Human Rights Policy and engage with them to ensure compliance.

Human Rights Due Diligence

The OLC Group is developing a human rights due diligence system and is continually engaged in its implementation. We work to identify human rights issues that our business can have a significant impact on, understand the adverse impacts of our business on human rights, prevent and mitigate the impacts identified, and disclose progress and results of efforts to remedy them.


The OLC Group is committed to providing access to remedy in cases where we are found to have caused or contributed to a human rights violation. When our products or services are directly linked to a human rights violation through our business relationships, we engage such business partners to provide remedy. 

In addition, we have established grievance mechanisms that can be accessed by anyone whose human rights have been adversely impacted, and we are working to improve their effectiveness.


The OLC Group is committed to embedding this Human Rights Policy into all relevant policies and procedures and to providing all directors and employees with the education necessary to acquire knowledge and competencies for respecting human rights.

Stakeholder Dialogue

The OLC Group engages in continuous dialogue and discussion with stakeholders, such as our employees, customers, suppliers and other business partners, to promote respect for human rights.

Information Disclosure

The OLC Group regularly discloses information on our human rights initiatives through the OLC Group official website. 
This policy statement was approved by the OLC Group board of directors on March 25, 2022. The CEO and COO bear responsibility for overseeing human rights issues and implementation of this policy.

 Representative Director, Chairperson and CEO

Representative Director, President and COO

Oriental Land Co., Ltd.