Actions and Performances

Environmental Impact Status -Tokyo Disney Resort

Tokyo Disney Resort

The chart below gives a broad indication of the environmental impact of the business operations of Tokyo Disney Resort* in FY 2022. Our environmental efforts touch on a variety of areas including energy management, water processing, waste management and recycling activities. We give due consideration to a range of environmental factors to reduce the burden on the global environment produced by our business activities.
Inputs (i.e., external factors that contribute to the environmental impact of our operations) include energy (electricity, city gas, fuel, etc.), water (clean water), various goods, equipment and food. Outputs (i.e., emissions resulting from our business activities) include carbon dioxide, wastewater released into the sewage system, and waste (including valuable resources).

*Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo DisneySea, Disney Ambassador Hotel, Tokyo DisneySea Hotel MiraCosta, Tokyo Disneyland Hotel, Tokyo Disney Celebration Hotel, Tokyo Disney Resort Toy Story hotel, Ikspiari, Bon Voyage, Disney Resort Line, and Maihama Amphitheater

Environmental data coverage rate

The environmental impact mass balance, changes in CO₂ emissions, and yearly data cover approximately 98% of the OLC Group’ direct business areas (the Theme Park business, Hotel business, and other business segments) in terms of FY 2022 net sales composition.

FY2022 Mass Balance on Environmental Impacts -Tokyo Disney Resort

*1  In-house power generation by solar panels (all consumed by in-house operations), procurement of electricity with non-FIT non-fossil certificate

*2 Procurement of carbon neutral town gas
*3 Scope 2 emissions are calculated based on the market-based method.

CO2 emissions Scope1+Scope2-Tokyo Disney Resort

* CO₂ emissions in FY2020 decreased due to the impact of the temporary closure and shortened operating hours of our Theme Parks.
* Scope 2 emissions are calculated based on the market-based method.

Yearly Data on Mass Balance-Tokyo Disney Resort

Inputs FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Energy Consumption Total energy consumption (GJ) 2,884,200 3,212,400 3,571,000
Electricity (GJ) 1,972,400 2,261,200 2,176,200
Renewable Energy (GJ) 6 111,500 166,000
Town gas(GJ) 888,900 922,200 1,351,000
Renewable Energy (GJ) 0 13,800 16,200
Fuel (GJ) 22,900 29,100 43,800
Water intake Total intake(thousand ㎥) 2,560 3,101 4,089
Clean water(thousand ㎥) 2,100 2,500 3,300
Internally recycled water
(thousand ㎥)
460 601 789

Outputs FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
CO₂ emissions Scope 1 + Scope 2(t-CO₂) 135,000 146,000 162,000
Scope 1(t-CO₂) 46,000 48,000 70,000
Scope 2(t-CO₂) 89,000 98,000 92,000
Water discharged Total water discharged(thousand ㎥) 1,928 2,461 3,165
Sewage/water treatment
facilities(thousand ㎥)
1,400 1,800 2,300
Sea(thousand ㎥) 68 61 76
Internally recycled(thousand ㎥) 460 601 789
Waste emissions Total including valuable resources(t) 13,200 17,300 23,300
Volume recycled(t) 9,700 12,600 16,900
Total waste disposed(t) 3,500 4,700 6,400
Percentage recycled (%) 74 73 73
Total food waste(t) 1,214 1,758 2,293


*Tokyo Electric Power Company’s adjusted emission factor used to calculate CO₂ emissions from electricity consumption.
*Includes CO₂ emissions from transportation 
*CO2 emissions include emissions of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) from FY 2022.
*Scope 2 emissions are calculated based on the market-based method.

Water consumption by intake source and discharge destination-Tokyo Disney Resort

(thousand cubic meters)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Total water intake 2,560 3,101 4,089
Surface water (rivers and lakes) 0 0 0
Surface water (wells and boreholes) 0 0 0
Water used at quarries 0 0 0
Public water 2,100 2,500 3,300
Internal water recycling facilities 460 601 789
Rainwater 0 0 0
Seawater 0 0 0
Total water discharged 1,928 2,462 3,165
Sea 68 61 76
Surface water 0 0 0
Wells/underground water 0 0 0
Water treatment facilities 1,400 1,800 2,300
Internal water recycling facilities 460 601 789

COD Emissions-Tokyo Disney Resort

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
COD Emissions 0.4 0.5 0.6

*Chemical Oxygen Demand 

Container and packaging waste generated-OLC

Waste generated on this chart is those entrusted to recycling to The Japan Container and Packaging Recycling Association based on The Containers and Packaging Recycling Law.

  FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Glasses Total 63 1 19 2
Collected 0 0 0 0
Waste 63 1 19 2
Paper packaging Total 2,627 772 744 1,482
Collected 1,129 354 0 0
Waste 1,498 418 744 1,482
Plastic packaging Total 3,122 711 643 1,308
Collected 212 69 0 0
Waste 2,910 642 643 1,308
PET bottle Total 214 67 88 203
Collected 214 67 88 203
Waste 0 0 0 0

Scope 3 CO2 Emissions-OLC Group

Category FY 2021 emissions (t-CO₂) FY 2021 ratio (%) FY 2022 emissions (t-CO₂) FY 2022 ratio (%) Calculation method
Total 358,556 100 792,234 100
1.Purchased goods
and services
146,134 40.8 455,551 57.5 Calculated by aggregating the total value of OLC’s major
procured products (by item) and the total amount of
water consumed by our Group, and multiplying them by
the emissions unit value*1,2
2.Capital goods 160,222 44.7 268,313 33.9 Calculated by multiplying the value of our Group’s fixed
assets by the emissions unit value*1
3.Fuel- and energy-
related activities
not included in
Scope 1 or 2
37,278 10.4 32,253 4.1 Calculated by multiplying the amount of energy consumed
by our Group by the emissions unit value*1,3 for each
energy type
transportation and
952 0.3 2,425 0.3 Calculated by multiplying the value of OLC’s transportation
and the amount of fuel consumed by contractors by the
emissions unit value*1
5.Waste generated
in operations
5,836 1.6 9,766 1.2 Calculated by classifying the waste generated in the
business activities at Tokyo Disney Resort by disposal
method, and multiplying the weight of the disposed waste
by the emissions unit value*1,3
6.Business travel 23 0.0 167 0.0 Calculated by multiplying the total number of days of
overseas and domestic business travel by OLC’s full-time
employees and contract workers by the emissions unit
1,076 0.3 8,001 1.0 Calculated by multiplying the total number of commuting
days of OLC’s full-time employees and contract workers
by the emissions unit value*1
8.Upstream leased
- - - - Not applicable for calculation (All energy consumed by
assets leased under upstream lease agreements are
included in Scope 1 or 2.)
transportation and
- - 1,939 0.2 Calculated by multiplying the net sales of OLC merchandise by the emissions unit value*3
10.Processing of
sold products
- - - - Not applicable (Processing of sold products is not relevant
in our business activity.)
11.Use of sold
- - - - Not applicable for calculation (The amount of GHG
emissions in the use of sold products is considered to be
low in our business activity.)
treatment of sold
7,035 2.0 13,819 1.7 Calculated by multiplying the sales volume of OLC’s major
products sold by the emissions unit value*1,3 to conduct
weight conversion, and multiplying the result by the
emissions unit value*1,3 for each product
leased assets
- - - - Not applicable (Downstream leased assets are not relevant
in our business activity.)
14.Franchises - - - - Not applicable (Franchises are not relevant in our business
15.Investments - - - - Not applicable (Investment activities are not relevant in
our business activity.)

[Database of emissions unit values used for calculation]
*1 Database of emissions unit values for calculating the emissions of greenhouse gases, etc. of an organization through its supply chain (Ver. 3.2), Ministry of the Environment
*2 Environmental measure B303, FY2020 Water Supply Business Guidelines performance indicators, Public Enterprises Bureau, Chiba Prefectural Government
*3 Inventory Database for Environmental Analysis (IDEA) V2.3
*4 In all categories, calculations were performed by revising last year’s scope and method of aggregation.

(Emissions from Group companies were calculated by multiplying the OLC Group’s emissions by the composition of consolidated net sales.)  

Results of Survey on PRTR Substances-OLC Group

Yearly Changes in Release/Transfer Volume

*Release/transfer volume of FY2021 has been revised due to review of past data.

Breakdown of Release/Transfer Volume-OLC Group

Substance Release transfer volume (t) Ratio (%)
Toluene 1.2 25.2
Xylene 0.5 11.3
Benzene 0.3 7.0
Hydrogen fluoride and its water-soluble salts 0.3 6.8
Methyl methacrylate 0.3 6.7
Others 2.0 43.0

Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds in Total Release/Transfer Volume-OLC Group

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
2.6 3.9 3.2

* Conducted a voluntary survey of 100 main VOCs listed by the Ministry of the Environment.
* VOC volume of FY2021 has been revised due to review of past data.

Breakdown by Application-OLC Group

Targets for 2030

We have specified “Measures for climate change and natural disasters” and “Recycling-oriented society” as our ESG materiality to achieve our goal for the period leading up to 2030, and have set specific targets.

CO2 emissions by the OLC Group

This indicates the changes in our Group’s CO₂ emissions.

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