Policies and Regulations

Being Aware of Climate Change

Corporations are expected to fulfill their social responsibility to address climate change resulting from global warming. Moreover, undertaking environmentally friendly business activities will help make corporations themselves more sustainable. 

Our Theme Parks, which are visited by many guests every day, can be described as one large “city.” To ensure that our guests can spend a comfortable time with peace of mind in this city and to preserve and pass on the precious global environment to future generations, while also continuing to deliver happiness, the OLC Group must shoulder the responsibility of implementing proactive measures against climate change to reduce its risks in a sincere manner.

The OLC Group’s Approach

Having set “Measures for climate change and natural disasters” as our ESG materiality for the period leading up to 2030, we will implement mitigation measures, which entail curbing the advance of global warming by reducing the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs), and adaptation measures, which entail minimizing the impact on guests of water shortages, temperature increases, more frequent typhoons, and other changes to the environment that are expected to arise due to global warming.

Long-term Targets and Targets for 2030 in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction-OLC Group

Our group has set the following target to address our ESG materiality “Measures to address climate change and natural disasters.”

Key Goal Indicator (KGI) Quantitative target /
Qualitative target
Target year(FY)
Greenhouse gas
51% reduction (vs. FY 2013 levels) 2030
Net zero 2050

*Greenhouse gas emissions include Scope 1 and Scope 2

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scope 1 and 2-OLC Group

*Scope 2 emissions are calculated based on the market-based method.

Information Disclosure based on TCFD Framework

Our Group endeavors to identify the diverse risks and opportunities stemming from environmental issues. Advancing climate change is expected to exacerbate natural disasters, including raising temperatures and sea levels, and causing serious typhoons and floods. Such events may affect the business of our Group in different ways. Meanwhile, if we can address these issues appropriately, we believe that we can strengthen our competitiveness and gain new business opportunities. Based on this belief, we have categorized the risks and opportunities related to climate change. Having endorsed the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in April 2022, our Group proceeds with the disclosure of information on the risks and opportunities related to climate change and their analyses.


Reference scenarios
Physical risks:RCP1.9,RCP2.6,RCP8.5
Transition risks:IEA B2DS,IEA 2DS,IEA SDS,IEA STEPS (previously IEA NPS)

Participation in External Initiative

Our Group is a member of Tokyo Zero-emission Innovation Bay. The organization was established to build an innovative area of zero-emission technology around Tokyo Bay with various energy suppliers and users around it. The initiative aims to elevate the area into the biggest research/development and PR points against climate change with their pursuit of renewable energy technology or the electric network. Some 139 organizations and institutions participate in the initiative. We will take our responsibility towards climate change along with their philosophy. 

The OLC Group’s Environmental Policy (Revised May 2022)

The OLC Group undertakes environmental activities in line with Our Environmental Policy.

Management Structures

The OLC Group’s Structures to Address Climate Change

Recognizing environmental issues including climate change as an important managerial challenge to be addressed, our Board of Directors resolved to set “Measures to address climate change and natural disasters” and “Recycling-oriented society” as our ESG materiality, and monitor the progress made in our related plans.
In addition, our Group has established an Environmental Action Committee chaired by the Director of the Corporate Strategy Planning Division (Executive Director and Executive Officer). The committee is responsible for planning and setting targets for the Company’s environmental activities including against climate change and has established the Subcommittee on Climate Change to conduct fact-finding surveys, devise strategies for addressing climate change issues, and implement initiatives to reduce environmental impact. 
Through the Environmental Action Committee, targets and plans regarding environment actions are reported to the Board of Directors annually. 
Moreover, OLC has formulated the Power Conservation Guidelines (revised in September 2022) to save more energy within our Group as part of our efforts to help mitigate climate change. We will continue to establish plans to mitigate and adapt to climate change and advance our environmental actions.

Energy Management System

Visualization of electricity consumption
Visualization of electricity consumption

Our proprietary energy management system (EMS) visualizes electricity consumption within our two Theme Parks and back office.
The EMS collects and analyzes data on energy consumption using IT through sensors attached to all facilities. This system has enabled us to identify inconsistent or wasteful electricity use by monitoring the operation hours and temperature settings of air conditioners, and the lighting time and illumination level settings of lighting equipment, among others, and to implement measures to make improvements based on collaborations with relevant organizations, contributing to the establishment of a Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle for CO₂ emissions reduction.

In recognition of our organizational EMS-based energy-saving initiative, we received the 2018 Minister of the Environment Award for Global Warming Prevention Activity in the category for practical environmental measures and proliferation in December 2018.

Actions and Performances

Mitigating Climate Change

Approximately 60% of our Group’s current CO₂ emissions result from electricity use. Our Group has introduced a combination of different measures related to the mitigation of climate change in an effort to reduce CO₂ emissions on an ongoing basis.
We will continue exploring mitigation measures to slow the progress of global warming.

Initiative example


Installation of power generators

  • Maximum usable electricity: approximately 15,000kw
  • Aims to help cut peak-demand grid energy use in summer

Installation of energy-efficient facilities and equipment in the Central Energy Plant*

  • Introduced large-scale heat-source facilities in the planning stages of Theme Parks
  • Installed turbo refrigerators

Use of renewable energy

Tokyo Disney Resort

  • Procured renewable energy for electricity and gas
  • CO2 emissions were reduced by 10,000 t in FY 2022 (Achievement rate of 12.9% vis-à-vis 2024 Medium-term Plan KPI of 78,000 t)
  • Solar panels installed atop 9 buildings (output of over 1,400 kWh)
    Newly installed at two sites in FY 2022 (output of over 800 kWh)
  • Introduced geothermal and hot spring energy generation facilities at our proprietary strawberry farm (Teshikaga, Hokkaido), significantly reducing the consumption of fossil fuels.
    Geothermal and hot spring energy is used to heat up the entire greenhouse as well as the roots of the strawberry plants and to melt the snow around the hothouse. The initiative is highly acclaimed by the local government and other bodies for its energy-saving capacity and the progressive use of new forms of energy.

Use of Biomass Packaging


Tokyo Disney Resort

  • Using biomass packaging made partly from plant-based materials
  • Cultivating plants used as raw materials in a way that protects the ecosystem
  • Reduced yearly CO₂ emissions by about 40% compared to conventional products, which mainly used petroleum-based materials

Conversion of Vehicles inside Theme Parks to Electric Vehicles


Tokyo Disney Resort

  • Converted 8 vehicles to electric vehicles
  • [Electric vehicles introduced]
    Omnibus is in operation within Tokyo Disneyland
  • Big City Vehicles that operate inside Tokyo DisneySea
  • Vehicles used for Disney’s Royal Dream Wedding program offered at Tokyo Disneyland

*It is an integrated heat-source unit that generates heat for the air-conditioning systems at a single location for distribution to various facilities, thus making it unnecessary to install this equipment in individual buildings.

Central monitoring system at the Central Energy Plant
Central monitoring system at the Central Energy Plant
Solar panels installed atop company building
Solar panels installed atop company building
Biomass packaging materials made from plants
Biomass packaging materials made from plants
Electric vehicles in operation within our Parks
(Left: Tokyo Disneyland; right: Tokyo DisneySea)
Electric vehicles in operation within our Parks
(Left: Tokyo Disneyland; right: Tokyo DisneySea)

Environmentally Friendly Transport

Our Group is endeavoring to reduce the environmental impact of transportation.

Initiative example


Emissions Reductions for Commercial Vehicles and Low-Emission Vehicles

  • Promoting the use of light, hybrid and electricity-powered vehicles to reduce CO₂, nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions from company vehicles
  • Replaced all company buses operating on our office grounds with hybrid vehicles

Formulation of the OLC Group Eco-driving Rules

  • Formulated based on the eco-driving rules promoted by the Japanese government
  • Requesting employees and suppliers to comply with our Group’s Rules

Adapting to Climate Change

Tokyo Disney Resort

As a form of adaptation, our Group continues to work on enhancing resilience, for example, by taking measures against thunderstorms, typhoons, and other natural disasters, and addressing rising temperatures in order to prevent heatstroke both indoors and outdoors.

Measures taken in FY 2020

Installed fans in the guests’ waiting area for Jasmine’s Flying Carpets

Installed spot air coolers at locations where cast members stand (at some attractions)

Fans installed in the waiting areas for Jasmine’s Flying Carpets
Fans installed in the waiting areas for Jasmine’s Flying Carpets
Spot air coolers installed at locations where cast members stand
Spot air coolers installed at locations where cast members stand

Positions Regarding Climate Change Laws and Regulations

Our Group supports laws and regulations regarding climate change such as the Act on the Rationalization etc. of Energy Use and the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures. We annually submit reports of our energy use, progress against the targets of energy conservation, and emissions of greenhouse gasses.

Environment Related Data

Tokyo Disney Resort

Data on environmental performances of FY2022.