Policies and Regulations

Our Policy on Show Safety

Tokyo Disney Resort

In order to offer our guests a safe and enjoyable show experience, the OLC Group has developed a Policy on Show and Parade Safety.

Policy on Entertainment Show Safety

To allow us to continue to create “Wonderful Dreams, Moving Experiences, Happiness and Contentment,” the OLC Group is dedicated to maintaining and enhancing the safety of our entertainment shows, and to achieving the highest standards of safety and quality.


  1. The OLC Group shall comply with all statutory safety regulations as well as the rules, regulations, standards, and manuals stipulated in our own Safety Guidelines.
  2. Safety shall be our highest priority in the development, design, construction, inspection, maintenance, and operation of all entertainment shows.
  3. The OLC Group shall submit and enforce the safety standards set forth in our Safety Guidelines with all our clients and vendors, and shall strive to enhance the safety of show production and operation.
  4. The OLC Group shall provide education and training on safety to all its employees to further its goals in show safety.

Safety Guidelines

Tokyo Disney Resort

Our Safety Guidelines set out the safety criteria governing the design, construction, inspection, and maintenance work undertaken on the equipment used in parades and shows, and are rigorously enforced. The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure that all our guests can watch and enjoy our parades and shows in safety and comfort.
The Safety Guidelines are composed of the following two guidelines:


Safety Management System

Tokyo Disney Resort

Management System for Safety in Manufacture and Inspection

All floats, stages, and sets are manufactured in accordance with the Guidelines for ”Manufacturing and Construction of Show Equipment”. In addition to checking the safety of items produced, on the basis of strength calculations, safety is confirmed against a wide range of safety criteria that are designed to identify any risks, including those associated with nighttime float operation, and that all structures are safe for both the guests and the performers.

We have introduced a system for inspection and maintenance, under which maintenance plans (daily, monthly, and annual inspections) are tailored to specific program components created internally and in line with our Maintenance Guidelines. The inspection work is outsourced to maintenance specialists who have been selected for their competence in this area.

We hire and assign engineers to oversee the manufacture and inspection of structures to ensure that safety is appropriately judged and maintained. We are also working to further enhance our safety monitoring by introducing a system where safety checks are conducted by contractors with extensive experience and expertise in design and structural calculations.

Management System for Operational Safety

We have developed a system where cast members are stationed evenly along the approximately 800-meter parade route in numbers that are appropriate for the guest attendance numbers as a precaution against unexpected occurrences such as children running into the path of an oncoming parade and to guide guests to evacuation routes in the event of an emergency. To avoid any challenges that might arise as a result of large concentrations of guests in a single area, we have also introduced the Entry Request system for certain shows.

Risk Management

Show and Parade Safety Training

Tokyo Disney Resort
Cast Members thoroughly observe the Code of Conduct - The Five Keys-, and receive regular training, so that they remain alert to potential risks while at work and are ready to take prompt and appropriate action in the event of an emergency.

First-year employees assigned to entertainment undergo a safety program, where they look at case studies of actual unsafe situations in order to enhance their safety awareness and sensitivity to potential hazards. Furthermore, through various case studies we aim to empower employees to practice safe behavior and maintain and enhance workplace safety. Additionally, occupational health and safety training programs are also offered for all employees involved in shows to learn the keys to taking care of their physical health and prevent work-related incidents.


Tokyo Disney Resort

For the Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade Dreamlights, we have installed a float safety system that monitors the road ahead of each float during the nighttime event.