Policies and Regulations

Thorough Enforcement of the Compliance System

The OLC Group Compliance Code

The OLC Group has established the OLC Group Compliance Code, which sets forth rules for executives and employees on corporate ethics and legal compliance.


In March 2023, in response to recent changes in compliance, we revised this code to realize "Our Goal for 2030" established in April 2022.
In revising this Code, we have added items related to "environmental initiatives" and "coexistence with society," which have already been implemented in practice, and further subdivided the content of each item, clarifying its operation and management structure. In addition, we organized the relationship with related policies, such as the human rights policy revised in March 2022 and the procurement policy established in May 2022.

Business Guidelines

Our Group has put together business guidelines for all its directors and employees as part of its commitment to the highest standards of corporate conduct in all of its dealings. We ensure that all employees are informed of the content of the Business Guidelines by making them available on the intranet in accordance with each employment category and role.
Based on the underlying values of integrity and sincerity, the Business Guidelines clarify the need for each and every employee to make a dedicated effort to put into practice their commitment to compliance in all aspects of their work.

Management Structures

Compliance Committee

Our Group has established a Compliance Committee chaired by an individual appointed by the President to ensure the legality of all our Group dealings and embed the spirit of compliance in every business function.
Any time our Group becomes aware of a serious incident involving improper executive or employee conduct or a violation of laws, regulations or company policy, this committee will conduct the necessary investigations and report to the Chairperson of the committee, the President and an auditor.
In addition, all cases where consultation is sought are periodically reported to the Compliance Committee, the President, the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.
In FY 2022 no serious legal violations occurred.

Installation of Contact Points (Helplines)

We have established a contact point for employees wishing to report any instances of improper conduct including any types of harassment and improper information management within or without our Group.
We also offer such contact points for each employment category and our Group company to make it easier for employees to seek counseling for any potential issues.
Furthermore, we also provide a dedicated contact point for suppliers as a means of identifying, at an early stage, any violation or suspected violation of compliance by an executive or employee of our Group with regard to their relationship with a supplier.
In order to ensure the effectiveness of this whistleblower/consulter system, internal regulations clearly specify their anonymity, and that whistleblowers and consulters shall not receive unfair treatments.

In FY2022, we received a total of 445 reports. These reports varied in nature with 68% concerning human relations and communication, 18% about personnel systems and working conditionsinvolving violations of laws and rules, 12% involving violations of laws and rules, and the remaining 2% covered other topics.

Actions and Performances

Compliance Seminars

Our Group provides compliance-related training and education on harassment and proper information management, among others, to all employees upon recruitment and renewal of their employment contract. In an effort to encourage our people to constantly enhance their knowledge and awareness, we also implement, at least once a year, compliance programs for employees of all categories in accordance with their respective roles, including seminars and e-learning led by internal and external lecturers, and group discussions.
Moreover, for managerial staff and administrators, we provide practical harassment education based on actual case examples, including engaging them in discussions on preventive measures and hands-on training on dealing with cases that have arisen.

Questionnaire Survey on Compliance

A questionnaire survey of employees is periodically conducted to monitor the status of compliance at fixed points in time as well as to identify any violations.