Our Approach to Stakeholder Engagement

At the OLC Group, we believe in the importance of direct dialogue with our customers, employees, children, shareholders and investors, corporate sponsors, vendor and suppliers, licensors and partners, NPO・NGO・experts,  local communities and local governments, etc. and put this belief into practice in the course of our daily work. We ensure appropriate and open information disclosure to stakeholders and place value on interactive communication with them to evolve our business activities and engage in activities that contribute to achieving a sustainable society.

Purpose of Stakeholder Engagement

We aim to obtain opinions from stakeholders through interactive communication, and report the summarized feedback to the top management team so that it can be reflected in our management.
* Stakeholder engagement: The process of being actively involved with one or more stakeholders through dialogue or other means, with the aim of achieving a mutually acceptable outcome, in the course of a corporation’s integration of its social responsibility into day-to-day practice. (Source: Charter of Corporate Behavior & Implementation Guidance by KEIDANREN

Management Structure to Promote Initiatives for Each Stakeholder

Established in July 2021 as an advisory body to the Executive Committee, the Corporate Conduct Committee discusses diversity and inclusion, supply chain management, and stakeholder engagement across our Group, under the responsibility of the Director of the Corporate Strategy Planning Division ( Executive Director and Executive Officer ), who serves as the Chairperson.

The Subcommittee on Stakeholder Engagement which met regularly reporting to the Corporate Conduct Committee dissolved due to establishing engagement plans for each stakeholder. Sustainability Promotion Department will monitor its progress from now on.
Divisions and business sites that are closely aligned with the respective types of stakeholders head up interactive communications with them, serving as contact points to enhance engagement.The outcomes of engagement are shared with related divisions as well as the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Sustainability Promotion Committee, Corporate Conduct Committee, and other committees as necessary to discuss improvement measures. In addition, we try to disclose as much information as possible on our website and in the form of sustainability reports and other materials in order to implement a Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle.

Examples of Communication with Major Stakeholders

[Communication with Customers]

Feedback from our customers is valuable to us. We share their comments throughout the OLC Group for analysis so that we can develop and improve our products and services with the aim of offering greater satisfaction to customers.


(Guest services at Tokyo Disney Resort)

  • We offer a variety of contact points and services (via telephone, chat, email, postal mail, and websites) to widely invite feedback from diverse guests including those from overseas and people with a hearing impairment.
  • Feedback from guests is diverse, ranging from comments on cast members’ customer service to Park rules and procedures, facilities and the overall environment, and products sold or offered. Their views are consolidated by the CS Enhancement Department, the organization in charge, and shared internally through our intranet, daily meetings, posters, handouts, and other means.
  • Feedback related to multiple divisions is discussed at meetings of the CS Enhancement Committee, where relevant divisions convene to find ways to make improvements and incorporate the content of comments into our business activities.

-Examples of engagement

  • Tokyo Disney Resort Information Center and Guest Merchandise Service Department (as necessary)
  • Guest Services Center (as necessary)
  • Guests’ comments (directly submitted at facilities) (as necessary)
    and others

>Comments and Feedback from Guests

>Cases of Improvement Based on Guests’ Input

-Main division in charge and contact for inquiries

Tokyo Disney Resort Information Center

[Communication with shareholders and investors]

We hold meetings to exchange views with shareholders and investors, participate in conferences hosted in Japan and abroad by securities firms, and hold information sessions for retail investors and salespeople at securities firms.
We disclose information deemed essential to understanding and assessing the business activities of our Group in a fair, timely, and appropriate manner through various means such as news releases, website updates, and briefing meetings. By implementing such highly transparent information disclosure, we aim to foster a relationship of trust and understanding with our stakeholders and practice dialogue-oriented management, which is central to our business philosophy. Moreover, the views and assessments received from stakeholders are regularly reported to the Board of Directors for incorporation into our management.


-Examples of engagement

  • Financial Announcements (Quarterly)
  • Events, conferences, roadshows, small meetings, etc. for briefing investors on corporate strategies; interviews by investors (as necessary)
  • Publication of briefing tools for investors, including financial presentation materials and integrated reports (annual)
  • Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

-Main divisions in charge and contacts for inquiries

General Affairs Department; IR Group, Finance/Accounting Department

[Communication with employees]

We implement job satisfaction initiatives to enhance employee engagement and help employees work with enthusiasm.

-Main divisions in charge and contacts for inquiries

Human Resources Division

[Communication with Children]

In our business and community action programs for children, we are striving to strengthen our bonds with children and thereby evolve the activities we offer.

-Main divisions in charge and contacts for inquiries

Divisions in charge of respective fields

[Communication with NPOs, NGOs, and Experts]

As a corporate citizen, we collaborate with NPOs and NGOs to foster and support children in an effort to contribute to achieving a sustainable society.


-Examples of engagement

  • Implemented a dialogue on eight areas of materiality with two ESG experts (FY 2020)

-Main divisions in charge and contacts for inquiries

Sustainability Promotion Department, Social Activity Promotion Department

[Communication with Local Communities]

As a corporate citizen, we endeavor to create “Happiness” for local communities and help make them more vibrant.


-Examples of engagement

Cooperation with events in Urayasu City

  • Urayasu City Coming-of-Age Day Ceremony (Once a year)
  • Work experience program for junior high schools in Urayasu City (Twice a year)


-Main division in charge and contact for inquiries                                     Social Activity Promotion Department

[Communication with Local Governments]

We participate in administrative organizations related to our business and exchange views with them to contribute to town planning. 


-Examples of engagement

  • Participation in committees and councils


-Main divisions in charge and contacts for inquiries

General Affairs Department, Social Activity Promotion Department